
Possible Questions for the Capstone Project Interview


The following list of questions and discussion starters will be given to interview panelists before interviews begin. General Questions or Conversation Starters What did you learn about yourself by completing the Capstone Project? How have you made Savanna a better place? Discuss your strongest skill. Which artifact in your portfolio are you most proud of? Let’s talk about that one first. What do you see yourself doing in five years? Ten years? What part of Savanna has had the most positive influence in your life, and why? This might be a class, a teacher, a coach, a club, an assignment, or an activity. What experiences will you remember when you leave Savanna? Discuss a mistake you made and what you have learned from it. What has been your biggest challenge at Savanna? What are your goals – both short term and long term? What is your life vision? How will you make your world/community better? What advice would you give a student entering 9th grade next fall? The staff members of Savanna have gone to great lengths to better you as a student and as a person. What have you done to better Savanna? Questions for Various Artifacts Discuss the skills you used to complete that task. How do you see yourself using those skills in the future? How has your participation in (any class) made you a better, more contributing member of society? What are some specific skills you have gained from participating in (any subject or class)? How do you see these skills helping you in your future career? Why is this content important to know? How does this concept apply to the real world? Did this project lead to more curiosity/questions in regards to the topic? If you could revise one artifact in your portfolio, which one would you revisit? Why? How does this artifact demonstrate perseverance? You’ve included an artifact from (any class). What was the most significant aspect of your research for this piece? Discuss one of the concepts you used in completing this task. Are you now able to apply this concept to your everyday world? You’ve included _________ . Discuss the skills or learning capacities you used in completing this project. Tell us about your argumentative essay you’ve included. What exactly is your position on the issue? How has this assignment expanded your view of the world? Overall health and fitness is vital in your life. What has PE or Athletics done for you to help you maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle? Which activity learned in PE or Athletics most appropriately fits into your future wellness?